Wednesday, August 23, 2006

As I sit on my excrutiatingly low japanese couch, with my huge american legs outstretched to the other end of my apartment, my blood pressure is rapidly rising. Despite all the good will and faith that Microsoft has displayed in the form of creating Xbox Live, a truly viable and revolutionary console online service, they have finally found the way to fuck it up. It was only a matter of time.

Many people argue that Microsoft is no different than any other game manufacturer: they all just want your money. While, of course, a company does indeed want to make money, no company has displayed a sheer bloodthirst for money so ravenous, that they are willing to introduce a service that is intended to overtly fleece gamers in the worst imaginable fashion: consumables.

Described by's Luke Smith as a commodity that can be purchased, and then later repurchased, the idea of consumables is that one would presumably purchase this item on marketplace, where it would eventually decay over time. That's right, folks. It would actually eventually decay and disappear, forcing you to repurchase the same item. It's like buying food, except you can't eat it, and Microsoft is fucking you in the ass at the same time. Doesn't that sound enticing?

What I fear is how far developers are willing to go with the idea of consumables. Will frustrated preteens be able to purchase an invincibility potion to defeat a particularly hard dragon? Will racing fans have to purchase gas for their McLaren F1 at the correct current exchange rate for Japanese oil? Will I have to purchase ammunition and upper tier, decaying weaponry for Halo 3?

Only the future knows what kind of bullshit Microsoft has in store for us. I fucking hate this bullshit.

On a quick note: Luke also mentioned that MS is specifically steering publishers from offering free game content on marketplace, citing that companies had already set a precedent with a specific pricing model.

I fucking hate you Microsoft. Choke on a fucking dick.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, fuck you too, Nintendo cocksucking asshole gay porn dickface lol

--Microsoft :)

9:45 PM  

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