Sunday, September 03, 2006

I finished FF3 on Thursday night, with a final time of 38 hours and 42 minutes. The final dungeon was some hardcore RPG action. While I took out the 5 bosses in the lower part of the dungeon and then saved, I had to proceed to the upper floors and deal with 6 bosses in a row (along with numerous random battles) without the ability to save.

Post Mortem: The game is fantastic. While the lack of top screen is downright criminal, and inexcusable, it rectifies the dismal situation with excellent graphics, gameplay, and balance. The game is as difficult as you want it to be, rather than so easy that you find yourself not wearing armor just to have some fun. I would recommend it to anyone who enjoys class based RPGs in the least. It's hard not to enjoy FF3.

I journeyed to Yodobashi Camera today, to pick up Tingle's Rose Colored Rupee Land. It's a fantastic game so far, and it's heavy on the gambling. Your life is how many rupees you have, but everything in the game requires payment. Of course, the problem with that is that you don't know how much they want, so you have to guess.

If you give too much money, you've wasted valuable rupees. If you under pay, you lose what you tried to pay with, AND have to try again. That can be a fairly trying when you're a little low on rupees, and you waste them all in a failed attempt to bribe someone for information.

I need to play more of the game, but so far it seems excellent. It makes good use of both screens (unlike FF3), and while movement is on the Dpad (or the face buttons if you're left handed), you touch objects on the touch screen to interact with them. An interesting premise that seems to work out fairly well.

More information later.



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