Thursday, September 14, 2006

Nintendo had its Japanese Wii conference yesterday, so there's a worldwind of information to deal with. Most of you who read this blog probably already know the gist of the news, but I'll recap real quick, regardless:

- 25000 yen for the console
- The console comes with Wii Sports and one Wii remote
- It will release in the US first on November 19th, and then in Japan in December.
- Zelda Wii will be available at launch
- Mario Galaxy will be a 2007 release.
- A host of games was announced, including Sengoku Basara (which I will annoyingly call Sengoku Basara Thwii), and Biohazard Umbrella Chronicles.
- Virtual Console games will range from 500 yen to 1000 yen, depending on the legacy content's original home console.
- MSX joins the leagues of Virtual Console games.
- 30 VC games are announced for release by the end of 2006, with 10 new VC games hitting each month.

That's the major news. One piece of news that seemed to slip through the cracks for most people is confirmation by NOA executive Perrin Kaplan that the Wii (at least in the area of first party releases), will be region free. That's right. It looks like next gen is a land of region free. I hope Sony and Nintendo's region free content proves to be more wide spread than Xbox's spotty at best unlocked content.

I need some time to let all of this sink in, so I will wait until sunday to post my thoughts on the announcement. Catch you then!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually, from what I've read, it was confirmed that third party releases will be region specific, and first party releases /might/ be region free. Also, the Japanese Wii will not come with Wii Sports for some retarded reason or other. I'm also very frustrated with the fact that the nunchuck and remote are separate controllers you have to buy, which means that there is a minimum of $60 per extra set of controllers, which is absolutely ridiculous. Not to mention that the "classic" controller, which is required to play VC games, is yet /another/ $20. Ludicrous. I was going to pre-order a Wii, but now I'm not so sure. I think I'm going to pick up a 360 and pre-order Gears of War instead.

10:59 PM  
Blogger Nayan said...

$60 is a ridiculous price for a controller, but from what I've heard, it's only going to get worse as the PS3 releases. 360 controllers are already $50 if you want a play and charge.

I'll be picking them all up, but it's still silly.

7:31 AM  

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